Bye 2018, Hello 2019!

by - Monday, December 31, 2018

Well it’s been a really long time since the last time I updated this blog. Sorry for the real late post, and it has to be updated just before 2018 ended :’). Life has been so hectic with all the anecdotes that is definitely too long to posted in one post (or maybe i’m just too much into procrastination already). Was definitely thinking of a lot of topics that I could share in this blog, about my travelouge, great foods that i ate, and bits about my story. BUT, nothing uploaded just because I was too occupied with the roller coaster life :”)

So in this nearly-ending-2018 (GMT +7), I would like to fix a bit of my mistakes by sharing a story that I heard literally by today from a Go-Car driver. Me and my family were actually his last customer of the day, that he took for a ride towards his home as well. He was quite open and talkative, telling us a lot of random things. He’s actually a scholar from Medan, and came to Jogja for the pursuit of education to be public worker. His wife works in other place, and this end of year visited her husband in Jogja. Before went to work, he promised his wife that he’ll go back home as soon as he reached the target point (as a online transportation driver, they will have a specific target of order accomplished in a day). One thing he said that moved me was “Actually, today I can get a lot more money than what I could get in any other day, since all the fare will increase and other online driver already done for the day as soon as they have reached their quota. But then, I think that what’s important is not the money. What is the need of money if I cannot make people dearest to me happy. What matters the most is being with my beloved ones, and make the most of the time for them. Money will never stop coming, but who knows for the time that we can spend with them?” This hit me real hard. Most of the time in my life these days, I spent it for working as a corporate slave (well most of the time, I just do my work without looking at the time, and suddenly it’s already night time). I lacked quality time with my family, friends, and even with my own self. I realized that sometimes I was being grumpy for simple things, took people care for granted, and just spending the night for things that can relieving myself or driving away my fatigue by sleeping. And it was barely enough. I enjoy doing my work, spending my time in office, but i guess I need better time management to also manage my life.

Hence, one of my resolution in 2019 is to be better in allocating my time for all the things that is important for me. It is hard, definitely, but I always believe that nothing worth having comes easy. Challenges are always there, but I guess it’s the beauty that make everything better in the end.

There’s always something to be grateful for. If someday you found yourself unhappy, stop for a while, trace back, find the thing that you took for granted, and be grateful for it.

Image Courtesy from Google

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